
The gospel reading for the Second Sunday of Lent is the Transfiguration. Today while the gospel was being read I was a bit distracted because I was reminded of the piece on the Transfiguration that I had done and thought "That would be a good entry for my post."In my carving, “The Transfiguration," Jesus, Moses and Elijah are placed within a mountain setting and the hand within the cloud indicates God’s presence as at the Baptismal calling. All these things happened before their eyes. With those same eyes Peter, James and John, whose eyes are emphasized on the bottom left of the carving, saw no one but Jesus. Within the grace of God they had new vision to carry on their purpose. We also have witnessed such revelations and are called to share this love through the radiance that we project.

20140316-143553.jpg Transfiguration, 31" x 26" x 1"


Du Bist Gebenedeit

