Rabbouni is the title of a new piece I have just finished. This word was proclaimed in the garden by Mary Magdalene when she was the first to hear Jesus speak after the Resurrection. This word means teacher. Mary Magdalene knew instantly the sound of Jesus voice and in that moment recognized the depth of what she was witnessing.The three characters portrayed in the triptych represent some of the different characters that we imitate in our lives. When we appear as angels we help direct the comings and goings of lives that we encounter. When we take on the character of Jesus, who is resurrected, we enter into a different vibrational level. We become transparent. The high frequency energy vibrations of appreciation, love, joy and desire enter into us. By passing through our grief as Mary Magdalene we identify creativity bursting forth. We discover we have been changed and we can no longer put our heart back on the inside as it used to be.When the doors of the triptych are closed the scent of incense appears. As we enter more and more into the roles of the three characters we start to renew and set in motion that which we have learned from the Teacher.In carving this piece I discovered that it is not as easy as I thought to make a triptych with sides that are uneven. It boggled my mind as to how to make the hinges work and that maybe is where the lesson lies--in the hinges of the characters of the story. What is it that holds me together and where is it that I place my hinges?Rabbouni, Linden Wood, 25"h x 12"w x 1"d
Rabbouni, Linden Wood, 25"h x 12"w x 1"d