The Litany

Lord be merciful. Hear our prayerGive new life to these chosen ones.Pray for usThese words have been in my head for many years. As a child I recall times when we would pray the Litany of the Saints in church. On the day of my Final Vow's I remember it being sung as part of the ceremony. For me there was and is something special about hearing those words repeated over and over again.This carving is a tribute to the Saints who have helped me on my journey. Their help is like a stone thrown in the water -- it's ripple effect can be felt over and over again. Just as we keep repeating the words in the litany the help continues on and on. The Saints never tire of being called on for help.Today is the Solemnity of All Saints--the day when we remember all those who have completed their journey into the fullness of life in Christ. We might remember and draw strength from these our "brothers and sisters." We find them referred to in the preface of Mass as "Our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection." Today is a good day to thank them for being there for us. May we continue the ripple effect for others.

20131101-113008.jpgThe Litany, 73"h x 22"w x 10"d >


Blessed Theresa Gerhardinger


A Walk Into the Woods