A Walk Into the Woods
At this time of the year, when the leaves in Minnesota display their colorful beauty, I find it a wonderful experience and memory for me to go exploring in the woods. As a child I often enjoyed going to the woods during the different seasons. Each held it's own beauty for me. I still find that nothing quite speaks to my heart as a walk in the woods. The piece I am commenting about today invites us to do just that. The various varieties of leaves leads us deeper and deeper into the woods. It is similar to the variety of people that we encounter on our life's journey.We enter into different layers of relationships and different depths of commitments with those we meet. The center of the piece is indented to portray the feeling of going into our center and experiencing the richness of nature. As we enter into our center we enter into the fullness that awaits us. This piece holds an invitation to each of us to be a part of this deepening into that which God is calling us to be, the fullness of love.