Water Into Wine

The gospel readings during Ordinary Time, the liturgical season we are now in, speak of the calling of the disciples, the casting of nets, and the invitations to be open to healing. Some tell of the miracles performed by Jesus while other readings are of the wedding feast and how we do not fast when the bridegroom is with us.I would like to share a carving that I did awhile ago that speaks to this theme, “Water Into Wine.” The carving has an outside likeness to a jar reminding us that we are vessels. We each are called to use our talents to turn water into wine. By doing this we transform ourselves into a new focus and become renewed. The water flows through the scene and grapes representing the gentle transition into wine are sprinkled throughout. The beads form the bubbling water/wine and the basket effect. We each become caught up in the flow of things and upon closer vigil realize even our smallest response makes up the whole.The story suggests digging deep into ourselves pulling forth our best to serve all. The banquet is ready and Mary is the only one portrayed with open eyes to see the needs. As we get caught up in the celebration, may we enter in through her gaze of being ever vigilant to needs that are in our midst.20140116-133741.jpg Water Into Wine 37"h x 19"w x 2" d


Lower Your Nets

