Thomas Merton

Thomas Merton was born on December 10, 1941 and died December 10, 1968. He arrived at Gethsemani, a Trappist monastery in Kentucky, and there spent 27 years. The journals that Merton kept during this time contain more than 1,470 references to nature. Nature surely influenced his thinking and his prayer. He liked to discover the "hidden wholeness" in the creation around him.Since I was in high school I have often been drawn to his writings and art. I was privileged in 1991 to visit Gethsemani and get a feel for this beautiful area. It was more touching than I thought it would be. I enjoyed seeing where Thomas spent most of his days and looking at some of the same views that he explored.The piece that I am sharing portrays Thomas Merton etched on copper with patinas added. It was made to honor this man who labored in his life to convince us that God is everywhere and that the spiritual life is for everyone. May we find the "hidden wholeness" in all we encounter.

20130709-163248.jpgThomas Merton, Copper Etching, 10"h x 9"w x 11/2" d


Tools For Carving


Our Lady of Good Counsel